How to build an argument

October 25

In order to be on the trial on November 20,  it is necessary to write your arguments before the discussion, so how are you going to write your arguments?

First of all, it is necessary to have a thesis statement which will be the main point of your argument.

Example of thesis statement:  
Victor Frankenstein is guilty because he was an irresponsible scientist.

Then, it is important to support your point of view with facts. Facts are statements that can be proven by direct experience or objective verification; they can be the result of research or investigation.

Supporting Points
1.Victor Frankenstein committed several illegal acts
a.VF stole corpses
b.VF made experiments that were not allowed by the scientific community

Finally, expressions to support your point of view are used to organize your ideas in a logical way.

In my opinion, …
To begin with, …
First of all, …
According to some studies, …
As far as I'm concerned, …  

Use these expressions to introduce your first point.

Furthermore, …
More importantly, …
Above all else, …

Use these expressions to connect your points and to show your most important points.

For example,
For instance,

Use these expressions to introduce examples or facts.

In summary, I want to point out that …
In conclusion, …
Therefore, …

Use these expressions to conclude your ideas.

Example of an argument:
In my opinion, Victor Frankenstein is guilty because he was an irresponsible scientist. First of all, VF stole parts of dead people or paid for the corpses. Furthermore, VF made experiments that were not allowed by the scientific community, being such experiments illegal. Another reason...  And above all else, ... In conclusion,...


Write down your thesis statement, supporting points and examples as shown in the chart. Then, publish this exercise in comments. It must be ready on November 8th

Thesis statement:_______________________
supporting points:



  Adapted from:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thesis statement: Victor Frankenstein is guilty because he was a negligent scientist and a prejudiced person.

    supporting points:
    1.He was irresponsible like the monster’s creator or father
    2.He judged his creation, without knowing, he also thought it was bad
    3.The monster would have been different if he had had friends


    1.a.He fled of the laboratory without meeting to the monster
    1.b.He doesn’t care about the monster until he killed someone who Frankenstein loved
    2.a.he tried to kill his own creation
    2.b.he thought that the monster was bad and fled
    3.a.He felt love for the people in the hut
    3.b.He wont a women to be together and stop murdering

  3. 1-)Frankenstein possessed feelings
    a-The idea of being able to approach people and show their gratitude and affection stole sleep.
    b-Remember how difficult it was to realize their human condition and begin to distinguish odors, lights, sounds, getting food and understand some of what was beginning to live.

    2-)Helps his creator Frankenstein and wife to love but then falls in retaliation
    a- Frankenstein begs his creator manufactures a woman you like him so as not to feel so alone and despised by all and could erase his ideas of revenge and hatred against him and the world.
    b-destroyed the body that was working, raising the ire of Frankenstein who vowed revenge, saying, "I'll be by your side on your wedding night"

    3-)Murderer Frankenstein Victor Frankenstein important people
    a-  Frankenstein wiiliam murderer to Victor Frankenstein's brother the moment where he discovers that his creation is his enemy who lurks
    b-Victor vows to avenge the death of his family and goes in search of his Frankenstein

  4. 1. Victor wanted to make an important contribution to science.
    a. He wanted to revolutionize the thinking of others and he did it.
    b. Frankenstein experiment because it could have been the beginning of the genetic manipulation and the development of human cloning.
    c. While you create life you can get parts of human body and it could be used in surgeries when people are maimed in some time of their lives giving them a new chance to live normally. Thus, people don’t have to wait too much time for a transplant when they need it, sometimes, in cases of life or death. It could be the answer for the problem of public health system, who is one of the principal causes of the death around the world, mainly in poor countries or countries in way of development.
    d. Now, thinking in genetic manipulation and development of human cloning, it could be the access to a better future with absolute healthy people without problems of diseases that couldn’t be cured, people more beautiful, smarter and with a longer time of life. A future where we could know everything about the human body and its performance, knowledge that can be the answer for a society more complete and understood for all the humanity.

    2. The murders committed by the mounstro Frankenstein, were accidents
    a. Victor was independent to the wrong attitudes who committed the monster Frankenstein. and somewhat independent at the same monster, because he was just learning to live and was a response to the rejection he felt for humanity.

    3. Every experiment has some error rat, it can be reduced to perfecting the experiment.
    a. The experiment was a success for a first attempt.

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  6. Andres Felipe berrioNovember 8, 2012 at 6:19 PM

    1)Victor Frankenstein is looking for the secret of life, did not measure the consequences, and I think a monster, that takes it to the extreme between physical and moral challenge of man against his creator.

    2)Frankenstein: Results of the experiments of Victor Frankenstein. Feel a deep despite the rejection of a victim by humans because of its ugly appearance.His relationship with his creator is love-hate.

    3) Victor falls ill because of his fatal experiment, play with your life.

    4) Victor, did not measure the terrible damage it could cause to Frankenstein, who first touched her face the consequences of evil experiment where I touch people's rejection, the idea of ​​being able to approach them and show their gratitude and affection stole sleep , That when I try to approach people fled, without giving him a chance to meet him and see that he had good feelings, right through this
    Frankenstein is full of hatred and kills the brother of Victor, and this triggers a series of tragic events in the life of Victor, abuse and For believing creator where ever you can control the feelings of those people

  7. Estefanía Acevedo ArroyaveNovember 10, 2012 at 7:11 AM

    Thesis statement: Victor Frankenstein is guilty for abandon a creature that he gave life.
    1. In the storm night when the creature opened its eyes, Victor Frankenstein could take care it and teach as the dealing with the people, because until this moment the creature recognized him as the creator or father, but he didn`t do.
    - When Victor Frankenstein saw that the body of the creature began to move he escaped.
    - After he saw that the creature had disappeared, he continued with his life regardless what happen with the creature and the people around it.
    2. The creature killed Victor Frankenstein brother for he looked it and recognized that it needed help.
    - Victor Frankenstein never spoken with anybody for help him to catch and help it.
    - The creature had to look him for told its part of the story just to let him know how sad it was.
    3. The creature had looking someone for to speak, but when it was near someone ran and wanted to hurt it and its creator too.
    - The creature said “I`m alone and miserable. Only someone as ugly as I`m could love me. You must make another creature like me, a woman monster to be my wife”
    - Victor Frankenstein didn`t make the woman monster and the creature wanted that he suffer like it in lonely.

  8. Thesis statement: Victor Frankenstein is guilty because he created life irresponsibly.
    1. Victor Frankenstein committed several illegal acts, for his experiments stealing bodies of the hospitals.
    2. Victor had created a creature that killed, that wanted destroy. Frankenstein he was negligent, their experiments were not allowed by the scientific community.
    3. Frankenstein was vaguely rational, the monster is born and its creator, horror flees the lab. Despite his skill as a scientist acts before thinking about the consequences of their actions.
    4. He is overcome by the force of several passions: curiosity and ambition first and then fear.
    5. Victor is responsible for two things: first that the monster exists and that created it, the second of which is bad since you left, the evil monster arises because of neglect. If Victor had been blamed for his act, the evil monster would not have existed.

  9. 1.victor frankenstein tried to give to the humanity the most important thing and that thing is create life from nothing
    a.using dead parts to get the perfect combination and make something new to serve
    b.had the patience to make the subject was a complete success and that could be a great contrubucion for other generations
    2He did the best for humanity's Difference is that things did not go as planned, and its creation was formed in evil
    a.creating the creature and achieve to have life.
    b.looking for its creation would not hurt anyone
    3.He did more than many people could make in his life was never his intention to hurt people
    a.when he create the creature he did to provide a breakthrough for science
    b.he study a lot for sought to achieve what may be sacrificing time with his family

  10. Thesis statement:
    In my opinion Victor Frankenstein is guilty for the charge of malpractice; first of all he had to use real bodies for his experiments for this reason he had to steal them from hospitals and used the brain of his teacher. More importantly Victor left the monster just for his appearance, he didn´t know his creation, he didn´t care about the things that the monster could do to the society, just for fear.

  11. Valeria Loaiza MarinNovember 12, 2012 at 1:20 PM

    1. Victor at some point would be the blame for the death of some people
    a. The death of William, because Victor escape and leave the monster alone.
    b. The death of Henry, because Victor promised something to the monster and then not fulfilled.

    2. Victor must teach how to love and not hurt people to Frankenstein.
    a. When the monster took life, Victor must not escape, but Victor teaches things and gives affection.
    b. When they met again in the forest, after the monster tells his story, he had taught to love and not to kill.

    3. Victor must not leave innocent people pay for their actions.
    a. Justine was accuse for the die of William, and Victor did not do nothing knowing that she did not kill him.

  12. Alejandro Agudelo Galeano

    Victor Frankestein is guilty
    1.Victor did not think about the part moral in his experiments
    -He use parts of bodies of person dead in hospitals or cementeries

    2.He did not take into account the social impact
    -Victor created a monster that killed the people and destroyed the town

    3.Victor was an irresponsible with his acts
    -After of create the monster, victor don´t controlled his acts

  13. Sergio Ospina

    1. Victor Frankenstein is responsible for trying to discover the secret of life:
    1. a) He saw the power of nature, wanted to understand and find ways to use it.
    1. b) He was negligent, and thought that as God had the right to give life and
    take it away.

    2. Victor Frankenstein did wrong:
    2. a) He did not see the danger of being able to create life.
    2. b) He had a bad behavior when he realized he was created a monster.

    3.Victor Frankenstein is accused of being insensitive and selfish:
    3. a) He wanted to create a perfect man (intelligent, loving, handsome and
    kind), but failed.
    3. b) He did not see a time that people loved was more important than all the
    science in the world.

  14. Andrea Duque Ramirez
    Thesis statement: Victor Frankenstein is innocent because being a man of rational thought and scientific inquiry, just trying by means of science to explain the unexplainable.
    supporting points: 1. Victor demonstrated the power incredible of nature, through which it´s possible to destroy but also create life. examples: a.He was trying to support science with a new invention and searched through the electricity to create a master piece. b. As a scientist showed that the trial and error are the principles of science. 2. Victor Frankenstein started out wanting to do something good, he thought that if he could create the perfect human being, so no one would ever have to suffer from disease. examples: a. He grew up in a good family, was a sensitive,
    apasionadopor intelligent and what he wanted to help humanity
    b.The was only concerned to discover the spark of life. 3. When Victor becomes aware of what his creation has done, he does take some level of responsibility. examples: a.Frankenstein always tried to protect his family and other people of the monster, because he could hurt them. b. When Victor learned that his creation was not what I expected, he felt terrible, because what I wanted was to cause some damage. He left college to go with your family and keep doing experiments that could be negative and threatening people.
    c. when Victor realized that the monster wanted to kill his family,
    traveled to be with them and protect them from it.

  15. Andrea Duque Ramírez
    4. That Victor's unwillingness to create a companion for the monster reflects his good nature, as he does not want to exacerbate the problems his creation has caused. examples: a. victor to protect his family, said the monster was going to create a bride and if away from him and his family but did not thinking about the consequences it could bring. 5. Guilty of wrongdoing was the monster, no victor. examples: a.The monster was created for a good purpose, but the reasons for its uniqueness ugliness and became a fearful creature. 6. The cloning method used by victor in its creation is usually used to improve the quality of life today.

    In my opinion, Victor can be seen as innocent because is that he represent the progressive science and searching elements in life better, trying the greatness of individuals to grow and prosper.
    Furthermore, Victor was a studious student and loved to learn, so that he did not set out to be evil. The death of their loved ones was the fact that led him to wanted to discover a way to prevent people from suffering by the loss family.
    However, in doing so, he failed to control the attitude of his invention and after a time disregard or neglect with the creature he brought into the world, he does try to make things right although little too late.
    Therefore, Victor Frankenstein as creator of an individual who awarded a smart brain, evidenced throughout history not to blame for the difficulties presented for the fact that his intentions were always guided to improve life and control some unexpected events, such as death. Victor went beyond simply what we see and try to have control over events that affect us daily, through the forces of nature.

  16. In my opinion VF was very negligent cause he used his scientific knowledge for own benefit, he did something that he need not what the society needs.

    1. He stole bodies parts.
    2. He made a monster with diferents human parts, also the parts was for death people.
    3. Finally the monster hurts VF and the people that he love.
